About Us
Motorcraft occupies a 30,000sq ft build facility in the north of England. Employing twenty six skilled craftsmen and a strong leadership team. We pride ourselves on having the ability to offer an end to end manufacturing solution.
We have accomplished this by solid investment into both equipment and training to expand our core skills, enabling us to cover all vehicle disciplines.
This end to end approach keeps all our manufacturing under one roof and allows us to effectively manage the quality of all aspects of the project.
Our Story
Ian Parkin-Coates is the sole driving force behind Motorcraft. As a professional motorcycle racer in the mid-nineties, Ian struggled to source a race transport that lived up to his needs. When the season ended, Ian decided to build a transporter for him and his bikes. The following season Ian turned up to the race meets to be greeted with an overwhelming interest in his vehicle.
Motorcraft was born
Ian continued to build race transporters when he was not racing. Once he retired from Bike racing in 2006 he decided to continue to build live-in vehicles. In 2012 Motorcraft won a contract to deliver twelve all- terrain vehicles to Iceland. This kicked off his passion for building robust all-terrain live-in vehicles and special purpose all-terrain vehicles.